The surface of the Earth is divided into a number of large 'slabs' of rock called Tectonic plates. These plates are not stationary but are moving very very slowly across the surface of the planet. In some places they are sliding past each other, in some places they are colliding and in others they are moving apart. This movement is known as Continental drift.
In this picture you can see the various Tectonic Plates
Which are moving in different directions as mentioned by an arrow. You can notice here that American plate moving towards west ,Africa moving towards Eurasia and Indo-Australian plate moving towards east.The places where the plates meet are regions of high volcanic activity and where the danger of earthquakes is high.
Notice the San Andreas Fault in California and the origin of the 2005 tsunami in Indonesia lie along the meeting point of two tectonic plates.
The reason for the movement of these plates is because of the movement of magma which is present inside the earth's outer crust. The picture shows the pressure of volcanic lava which makes the plates to move.

The concept of Continental drift can be clearly understood by the break up of Africa and S.America.
In the picture You can see that these two continents breaking up with each other which were once united. It will be clear that the boundary of Africa fits exactly to the boundary of S.America.

India was once an island somewhere below in the Indian ocean. It moved upwards towards Asia because of the movement of tectonic plates and it collided with Asia. Since two land area collided with each other the land raised to huge heights which is now called as Himalayas. All other mountain ranges are formed based on this principle. Still Himalayas is growing which proves that the tectonic plates are moving further north making the mountain to grow.
According to Hindu Myth they say that this entire world, Human beings, animals everything was created by Lord Shiva. As far as i know they say that he's residing in Mt.Himalayas. This Himalayan mountain range was formed millions of years after the formation of World and living things. My question is Where was Lord Shiva before the formation of Himalayas during the Pangaea period.??????????????????????